Managed Print Services (MPS)

Capture. Retrieve. Distribution. Storage.

Supercharge document workflow with intelligent solutions to manage the creation of documents and capture of business critical data for storage and distribution.

Our Managed Print Services (MPS) offering uses intuitive technology to manage the flow of documentation and data around your organisation.

  • What is MPS?
  • Secure Print
  • Print Security
  • Cost Management and Reporting
  • Sustainable Solutions

What is MPS?

MPS enforces a secure and standardised approach to document workflow, printing controls to manage costs and a seamless integration to document and cloud storage solutions. Our unified services, coupled with best in class print equipment provide an unrivalled service to our customers.

Many organisations lack the time, resources, or specialised skills to effectively manage their document production and print security. This can result in wasted time and money spent on managing devices and supplies, leading to a slowdown in overall business performance.

Consequently, many organisations are now turning to Managed Print Services (MPS) as part of their document and print management strategy. Utilising the capabilities of MPS will enable efficient, controlled, and environmentally-friendly printing across your organisation.

But what exactly is an MPS? Simply put, it involves outsourcing the responsibility for managing your print environment and activities to an external provider like CMYK. The ultimate goal is to implement a centralised approach that eliminates unnecessary administrative tasks, minimises costs, and enhances productivity.

When considering Managed Print Services, it is crucial to select a partner with the necessary experience. At CMYK we have the flexibility and technical expertise to offer a tailored service to meet your exact requirements. Our services maximise the benefits of Managed Print Services by providing optimised control and visibility of your printers and photocopiers across your organisation.




Secure Print

Guaranteeing confidentiality and accountability with Secure Print Release

What is Secure Print Release?

Secure Print Release requires users to authenticate themselves at the printer before their document is printed.

To print a document, a user must prove their identity. Instead of immediately printing documents, with Secure Print Release implemented, users submit print jobs to a print queue for holding and release. They can securely release their print jobs at any authorised print release station, ensuring that confidential documents do not end up in the wrong hands.

The print release station can be the printer/MFD itself or a designated desktop or computer terminal. By requiring authentication before producing a printout, Secure Print Release gives control to the user and ensures that only the document owner can retrieve it.


Why Deploy Secure Print Release?

Safeguarding confidentiality: By requiring users to be physically present at a print release station to release their documents, Secure Print Release ensures that confidential information remains secure. This minimises the chance of sensitive data being left unattended on printers or accessed by unauthorised individuals.

Cost reduction: Secure Print Release significantly reduces wasteful and unclaimed printouts, resulting in substantial cost savings on paper, ink or toner, and maintenance expenses. Print jobs are only released when users are physically present, eliminating unnecessary printing and reducing waste.

Promoting accountability: With Secure Print Release, users are required to authenticate themselves in order to release their print jobs. This fosters a culture of accountability within organisations and allows for the monitoring of print usage, accurate tracking of costs, and encouragement of responsible printing practices.

Print Security

Managed Print Services promotes a standardised approach towards print and document security. Enforcing rules and policies, it ensures the protection of your business critical data and secures your print hardware.

Keep your document data secure with digital signatures, watermarks, password encryption, secure document release, encrypted hard drive and securely protect distributed documents with end-to-end encryption throughout the documents life cycle.

Secure Print Management enables your organisation to effortlessly expand its printing capabilities and infrastructure, while also maintaining control over your device inventory and ensuring maximum security for both devices and documentation.

Cost Management and Reporting

Print management has the capability to serve as a powerful tool that enables cost reduction without compromising productivity, and in certain instances, even enhancing it.

Implementing rules-based printing controls and policies, organisations can achieve considerable cost savings and greatly reduce unnecessary print wastage. Additionally, unexpected cost savings may also arise from these measures.

Why is Cost Management important? 

Administrators have the ability to monitor the quantity of documents that users or devices have printed, scanned, or copied. They can also identify specific projects within your organisation, which can be classified and billed to specific departments, cost centres, clients or projects.

These activities are recorded, and set out in comprehensive reports. This transparency aids management in making well-informed decisions regarding the enforcement of print policies and rules. 

Cost Recovery 

Although the cost of printing one page may appear insignificant, the combined expenses of print and copy services can quickly escalate without control. To effectively manage these expenses, cost recovery becomes an invaluable tool. By implementing thorough reporting and chargeback capabilities, the process of cost recovery is streamlined and simplified. Cost recovery controls can be implemented to your managed print service to facilitate the straightforward allocation of costs for associated projects and then assigned to departments, clients, cost centres, specific legal matter codes, or individual users.

Sustainable Solutions

Reduce your environmental impact and control your print costs with an effective MPS solution.

CMYK exclusively partner with well-known brands that have demonstrated remarkable innovation in developing and producing printing devices that are both efficient and eco-friendly. These brands prioritise energy efficiency and waste reduction, ensuring a sustainable approach to printing.

CMYK, working together with our partners, will persist in embracing and promoting sustainable technologies that offer advantages to our clients in terms of both cost-effectiveness and environmentally friendly printing practices. Our efforts encompass all aspects of eco-friendly printing.


Discover how our comprehensive solutions and services are tailored to meet your unique business needs, harnessing the power of seamless technology.

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Integrated Scanning

Scan, store and retrieve documents directly from the Cloud.

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Print Management Software

Control, manage, report and deploy.

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Cloud and Mobile Print

Seamless printing from anywhere at anytime.

Related Resources

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What Is Eco-Friendly Printing?