Space Bookings

Technology for effective workspace management

In today's hybrid workplace, meeting rooms play a vital role in facilitating collaboration, idea generation, and decision-making among your team members. It is imperative to have effective conference room management systems in place to efficiently handle room reservations and ensure smooth operations.

Effortlessly oversee your workplace environment with our cutting-edge software created specifically for the management of conference rooms and meeting room spaces.

  • Space Bookings
  • The power of Space Bookings

Space Bookings

A power solution for organising and controlling your company's collaborative spaces and meeting Rooms.

In today's modern work environment, meeting rooms play a vital role as spaces where employees can collaborate, generate ideas, collaborate and make important decisions. It is crucial to have an effective conference room management system in place to handle room reservations and ensure that only authorised individuals have access to these spaces.  

With InVentry's Space Bookings, your organisation can be professionally prepared by easily reserving spaces and sending pre-booked email invitations to your visitors. This feature is integrated with Gmail Suites and Microsoft Outlook, allowing for maximum flexibility. Our meeting room software enables you to pre-book rooms, ensuring that you have the necessary privacy to make your visitors feel valued and welcome. Whether you need to reserve a room for an internal event or an external meeting, our conference room management software covers all bases. 

The power of Space Bookings

Using our meeting room management software offers numerous advantages.

Flexible Spaces: Whether you're organising an in-house scrum meeting or an all-hands external client presentation, you can effortlessly locate and reserve the necessary workspace areas while circumventing any scheduling overlaps using our meeting room management tool.

Cloud Connected : All planned meetings are automatically transferred to the Cloud, so even if your organisation experiences temporary connection problems, your reservation will still be visible outside the meeting room you selected. This ensures that staff members are always aware of any reserved spaces.

Integrated Solution: The integration of meeting rooms with Gmail Suites and Outlook allows for a seamless experience. This means that when you send an email invitation to your visitor, you can conveniently display the meeting room you have reserved.

Real-time Visibility: If your meeting gets cancelled unexpectedly or if you no longer require the room, there's no need to worry. Our conference room management software allows you to easily remove the room number from your booking, making it possible for others to utilize the space without any hassle.

Availability Status: Easily determine the availability of a meeting room using the convenient system of green, yellow, and red traffic lights.

Simple & Convenient: The external intuitive display screen will show a daily overview of the upcoming schedule, ensuring that staff members are informed about reserved or vacant spaces. This is particularly beneficial for impromptu meetings. When a room is in use, team members have the ability to immediately check the availability of other rooms using any Space Bookings device.


Discover how our comprehensive solutions and services are tailored to meet your unique business needs, harnessing the power of seamless technology.

Inventry service block svg icon

Effortless and efficient visitor management solutions.

Meeting and Conference Room service block svg icon
Meeting Room Solutions

Enhance engagement, boost effectiveness, and communication.

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Door and Access Integration

Comprehensive solutions for door and access management.